# SBHCI > Latam Valves 2025

Case Submissions *

The final deadline for submission is February 17th- until 11:59 pm, 2025

  • The author of the Clinical Case responsible for sending the paper must complete the registration with his/her information.
  • The deadline for submitting a Clinical Case will be February 10th until 8:00 PM , 2025.
  • Completion and submission will be carried out exclusively online.
  • Follow the instructions on the screens by clicking on the indicated locations.
  • The title of the paper will be limited to 300 characters.
  • The author must include up to 03 key words.
  • Each paper can have up to 05 authors, along with 01 institutionwhere the case was carried out.
  • All authors should provide their e-mail.
  • The case should be prepared for presentation in PowerPoint format, with a maximum of 10 slides.
  • The presentation should be structured with the following items and sequence:

1. Title of the paper (without names and institutions)

  1. Clinical Presentation
  2. Angiographic or other imaging method
  3. Decision-making
  4. Intervention(s)
  5. Post-intervention evolution
  6. Conclusion and/or “learning points” of the case
  • If the presentation contains video(s), the file must be saved in PowerPoint ppsxformat.
  • The paper must be sent in a single file with a maximum size of 40 Mb.
  • Submissions in PowerPoint– ppt, pptx or ppsx formats will be accepted in case of video(s), or pdf.
  • Download the template HERE.
  • The text on the slides should be produced in Arial font size 26 or larger, with double spacing between the lines.
  • Bibliographic references should not be included in the presentation.
  • Abbreviations are allowed but should be kept in as few numbers as possible and appear in parentheses after the full word.
  • The results of the intervention must be clearly presented and the conclusion of the case based on the interventions carried out.
  • It is not allowed to submit the same Clinical Case to more than one category, or else the paper will be disqualified.
  • After submitting the Clinical Case, the author will be able to access his/her page and edit the submission until the deadline.
  • Each Clinical Case sent will receive a code confirming the submission and informing the individual registration of the author and institution.
  • Acceptance will be informed by email.

Check out the prizes

First Prize

R$ 5.000,00 + Registration for the SBHCI 2025 Congress

Second Prize

R$ 3.000,00 + Registration for the SBHCI 2025 Congress

Third Prize

R$ 1.000,00 + Registration for the SBHCI 2025 Congress

CRF/NY Valves is offering exclusive awards

  • Full registration for the 10 best-selected cases to attend the CRF/NY Valves 2025.
  • Top 5 selected cases will also have the chance to be presented there

Edwards Award

Advanced Clinical Immersion at St. Paul Hospital, with Dr. John Webb, in Vancouver – Canada

To participate in the scientific program offered by Edwards, the LATAM Valves scientific committee will evaluate and select the best cases in the Aortic position or Mitral position for Valve-in-Valve, using the Edwards Lifesciences device, commercially available on the market.

The evaluation will be based on objective criteria previously published by LATAM Valves.

The pre-selected cases will be submitted to Edwards, who will validate that the authors meet the necessary criteria and requirements to be able to participate in Edwards’ scientific program.